Antonio recorded this song when he was 11 years old. He has performed it in front of an audience several times. Here is what people had to say about this recording: The high notes are glow and your voice is rich. Marvelous! – CY Magnificent high notes! – SL His[…]
Antonio recorded this when he was 11 years old. This is the first Italian song Antonio learnt. Italian is his favourite language to sing in. What people said about this recording: very nice! bravo .. – Y Magnificent! – VC Macht grosse Freude, exakt und rein gesungen. – PB Recording[…]
Antonio recorded this when he was 11 years old. This was recorded whilst Antonio was still learning this piece. Recording in the community studio is mostly about gaining experience working in this environment, so sometimes all the songs aren’t well rehearsed. Antonio’s performance of this song is now quite refined[…]
Antonio recorded this when he was 11 years old. This is one of Antonio’s grandfather’s favourite recordings by Antonio. Here you can start to see his chest voice developing. Here is what people had to say about this recording: Simply wonderful 🙂 – SP What a talent, what a name,[…]
Antonio recorded this when he was 11 years old. This is one of the first pieces Antonio learnt in Latin. What people said about this recording: That’s not an easy song to sing but you sang it well. Bravo! – Kyle B Australia’s answer to Cai Thomas in Wales! 🙂[…]
Antonio recorded this when he was 12 years old. This is Antonio’s first recording of a contemporary song in English. He loves the music of Dolly Parton and really appreciates her lyrical way of story telling. Antonio decided to sing What people said about this recording: ‘He is as good[…]
Antonio recorded this when he was 11 years old. Antonio learnt this song when he was 9 years old. He performed it at a school soiree as well as several Eisteddfods. When he recorded this, it was the first time he had sung it in 2 years! Once Antonio learns[…]
Antonio recorded this when he was 11 years old. Antonio learnt this song with his school choir when he was 9 years old. He first sang it solo for an Eisteddfod in 2019. It was on of 2 songs he had to sing for a solo vocal championship that he[…]
Antonio recorded this when he was 11 years old. Antonio loves his Schirmer’s 24 Italian Songs & Arias book. He learnt this song for his board exams. This was the first song he learnt that has vocal runs. What people said about this recording: ‘Wow, really nice work Antonio! Like[…]
Antonio recorded this when he was 11 years old. Antonio loves singing in Italian and learns pieces in this language very quickly. He learnt this piece to use in his board exams. Antonio would love to perform as the cheeky Cherubino, but this role is performed by a soprano who[…]