
Per la gloria d’adorarvi

Antonio recorded this when he was 12 years old. This is another piece he learnt for his board exams and its in his favourite language to sing in. Here’s what people have said about this recording: Your confidence in the linguistics shines through, as does the development of the lower[…]

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O Mistress mine

Antonio recorded this when he was 12 years old. Antonio will occasionally sing Art Song. He learnt this piece for a board exam. Here is what people have said about this recording: What a joy it is to hear you sing, every single time! Love a bit of Quilter (wonderful[…]

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Caro Mio Ben

Antonio recorded this when he was 12 years old. This is another piece from Schirmer’s 24 Italian Songs & Arias book. Antonio loves Italian. Here is what people have said about this recording: Great job, the way that you control the sliding notes (no idea if that’s a musical term[…]

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Ave Maria – Schubert

Antonio recorded this when he was 12 years old. This song is one of Antonio’s Nanna Jan’s favourites, so he sang it for her. Antonio loves Latin and loves Shubert, so this was a perfect piece for him to sing. What people said about this recording: Truly beautiful as always![…]

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Edelweiss from The Sound of Music

Antonio recorded this when he was 12 years old. This was recorded as a bit of a filler piece as we had extra time in the studio. Antonio had never actually practised this one, but heard it when he watched the movie. We had the sheet music, so he recorded[…]

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Laudate Dominum – Mozart

Antonio recorded this when he was 12 years old. Antonio had about 5 hours in total on this piece before recording it. We were in the studio recording and Antonio decided he would try to record it. He did a great job, so we tried putting a string quartet behind[…]

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When You Say Nothing at All

Antonio recorded this when he was 12 years old. Antonio recorded this for his Mum for Mothers Day. YouTube turned off commenting, on this video, but we have some Facebook comments: Again this song genre fits like a glove to your voice. Well done – PS Love it Antonio –[…]

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Shalom Chaveryrim

Antonio recorded this when he was 11 years old. Antonio learnt this song at school a few years ago, their choir sung it in rounds. This is what people had to say about this recording: An unexpected choice, but delightfully sung. I love hearing new folk music, and this was[…]

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Danny Boy

This song is Antonio’s Nanna Pam’s favourite so he sang it for her. He knew the tune and sang it here in the studio without any practise or prior rehearsal. With songs in English, Antonio can often just pick them up and sing them only after hearing the tune once.[…]

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Die Forelle

Antonio recorded this when he was 11 years old. This is Antonio’s first attempt at German. Shubert is one of Antonio’s favourite composers. Here is what people said about this recording: I really enjoyed listening to this. Beautiful voice as usual. – SL Bravo!!! Good job! I love it! –[…]

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